Saturday, 26 January 2013

Officially Slabbed!

So after being told no site works would commence for another week, we were pleasantly surprised to see a heap of activity occur, and on Friday morning we've finished the week with a good-looking ground floor slab. We had a few issues on the Friday in relation to the slab pour, had to stop work to ensure some items our third party inspector had picked up were rectified, but all was sorted, and the slab was poured at 9am. Some pics of the week's activities:

Tuesday: Sand backfilled, levelled and compacted:

Thursday: Plumbers came through, and slab footings prepared

Friday: Slab footings finished and Slab poured.

Impressive angle of the Slab depth:

Monday, 21 January 2013

Retaining Walls Completed

Week ending 18th January has seen the Retaining Walls get completed.

Rear boundary retaining complete:

Front and left boundary wall being constructed:

 Retaining walls completed, ready for the next stage:

Friday, 11 January 2013

Construction is underway - Site works

Exciting to post that Construction has officially begun on Monday 7 Jan! It has been an exciting week, I never knew that porta-loos could be that good-looking! So here is a summary of the week's activity with photos:

Monday - Tuesday
Site cleared of all greenery and Porta-loo and clean sand delivered to the site

Site excavated and limestone blocks delivered for retaining.

Thursday - Friday
Limestone retaining walls being constructed

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Pre-Construction Shot

The builder is officially on-site from tomorrow morning! So today we took down the portion of the neighbours boundary fence that sits within our block footprint, so there are no issues come retaining time.
Here is a pic of the block pre-construction start:

The boundary fence we removed today: